Hands up if you find it difficult to keep the kids (and yourself) interested in gardening during the winter months? Don’t worry, you are certainly not alone. It is often cold, wet and windy during this time of year and who wants to spend time in the garden with the kids when the conditions are like this? It can be difficult to find activities to keep kids engaged and entertained when they are stuck inside and the weather is dismal so I have come up with five indoor gardening ideas to help beat boredom and keep your children interested in gardening this winter.
1. Plan you spring garden. Now is a good time to sit down with the kids and work out what they would like to plant this coming spring. Take a piece of paper and write and/or draw a plan of what they will plant and where. Start germinating seeds indoors to plant in the garden once spring arrives.
2. Plant an indoor herb garden. Herb gardens are great for kids. They are easy and quick to grow, are hardy and their multi-sensory nature make them very appealing to children. Many herbs grow well indoors on a warm window sill. The planet-eco Herb Patch Kits contain a number of different herb varieties that grow well indoors including basil, chives and parsley.
3. Harvest and cook. I know this is a post about indoor gardening but just for five minutes rug the kids up and head outside to see what can be harvested then dash back inside and don the chef’s hats. Most kids I know love cooking and at this time of year many gardens have vegies such as pumpkin, kale, silverbeet and pak choy ready to harvest. There are many yummy tummy-warming kid-friendly recipes that can made with these delicious vegies including soups, rolls and (my favourite) spanakopita.
4. Make pet rocks. When the weather is cold and gloomy pet rocks can add some colour and character to the garden. Making pet rocks is a fun craft activity that can keep kids indoor and entertained for hours.
5. Build a terrarium. There are some fantastic terrarium ideas out there and we’ve collected a great range on our Pinterest page. Check out our board for ideas and inspiration.
So there you have it, five fun indoor gardening activities the kids can do to keep them interested in gardening and free of boredom during the winter months.
What do you like to do with your kids to keep them happy during the winter?
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