- An empty, clean and dry cracked eggshell*
- Cotton wool (approximately 2-3 balls)
- Water
- Cress seeds
- Coloured marker pens
- Something to stand your egg head in (we used an old tea light candle)
- Place cotton wool inside the egg shell and dampen lightly with water.
- Sprinkle cress seeds over the cotton wool and press down gently.
- Use coloured marker pens to decorate the egg head.
- Stand your egg head in a secure container and place in a sunny position, continue to dampen the cotton wool carefully** every day or two and wait for your egg head’s ‘hair’ to grow. Once it is long enough it can be cut and added to salads and sandwiches – yum!
*We used an eggshell that had been rinsed and left to dry out on a windowsill for about a week.
** Be careful when dampening the cotton wool that you don’t get your decorated face wet as the marker pen may run. We used a teaspoon to tip water into the eggshell.