Are you looking for some great gardening and outdoor activities to do with the kids these school holidays? Here are seven ideas to get you started and stayed tuned, we will be posting more ideas in the coming days.
- Plant a pizza garden. Basil, capsicum, spinach and tomatoes are great for kids to grow and taste delicious on pizza.
- Climb trees.
- Dig around in your garden and see how many different minibeasts (bugs) you can find. Encourage your children to catergorise them according to how many legs they have or if they have wings or not.
- Make a swing.
No-dig gardens are great for kids - Build a no-dig garden and plant some summer crops.
Daisy chains are a classic garden activity - Make daisy chains
- Go on a scavenger hunt. Write a list of items for the kids to find e.g a yellow flower, a worm, a creature with wings, a gum nut. You could do this in your own backyard or take a trip to the local park.
What have you been doing with your kids in the garden these holidays?