To make a grass head you will need:
- A knee-high stocking
- Grass seeds (approximately 1 tablespoon)
- Potting mix (approximately 1-2 cups depending on how large you want your head to be)
- Small hair ties (optional)
- Googly eyes (optional)
- Ribbon or wool (optional)
- Plastic cup or vase
- Pour the grass seeds into the stocking so that they cover the toe area.
- Pour the potting mix on top of the grass seeds.
- Tie off the stocking tightly.
- Pinch out the nose and ears and tie with the hair ties.
- Add the googly eyes and some ribbon or wool for a mouth.
- Place the head into a cup or vase of water and the tail part of the stocking will act as a wick to soak up the water.
- Place the head in a sunny position and keep the cup filled with water so that the seeds remain damp.

Have a go making grass heads with your kids today and please post your photos up on our Facebook page as we’d love to see them!