Growing up, water was seen as an endless resource. We played under the sprinkler for hours, hosed down our drive ways and dual flush toilets were unheard of. I can still remember my father’s disgust at the introduction of water usage charges, that’s right, it used to be free!
Nowadays, things are very different. We have come to our senses and realised that water is a very valuable resource and we all have to be sensible with its use. Many households have water tanks and grey water systems. My husband plumbed our shower so the water goes straight out on to our garden; the plants that receive this shower water are some of the healthiest in my garden.
This week, 19-25 October, is National Water Week, an event that has been running since 1993. The aim of National Water Week is to inspire individuals, communities and organisations to work together to raise awareness and understanding around water issues. This year’s theme is “Water Sources: There are more than you think”.

National Water Week activities are taking place across Australia, details on these activities can be found on Australian Water Association’s website.
Gardening 4 Kids is helping to celebrate National Water Week by giving away a Bottle Top Waterer with every order placed this week. These clever little caps fit onto standard water and soft drink bottles to make an up-cycled watering can.
We would love to hear about how you the ways you have reduced your gardens water consumption so we can share them with the Gardening 4 Kids community.
Happy gardening