- Broad beans are also known as fava beans and their origins can be traced back to the Bronze Age.
- Broad beans grow best in winter.
- Broad beans are great to grow in the garden because they help put nitrogen into the soil.
- Broad bean plants are very pretty. The most common variety has beautiful white and black flowers however there are also varieties that have red flowers.
- Broad beans often need a trellis to grow on or tying back with string as they can grow quite tall and bushy.
- They can be eaten in their pods like snowpeas when they are young but need to be podded before they are eaten when they are older.
- Broad beans are very versatile and can be eaten cooked, in salads or pureed as a dip.
- Broad beans also taste nice cooked with some butter, cheese and a little bacon.
- They are an excellent source of fibre, folate and vitamin C.
What is your family’s favourite way to enjoy broad beans?