Lunch is served – peach and zucchini bread, choc zucchini muffins and a peach smoothie.
Like many people at this time of year we have bumper crops of zucchinis and peaches growing in our garden. Today the kids and I headed outside and harvested yet another bucketful and decided to find something new to bake with them. I figured there must be a recipe out there that combined both zucchinis and peaches and sure enough there was! After a quick internet search I found a recipe for Peach Zucchini Bread so we thought we’d give it a go.
We also made a batch of our tried-and-true Choc Zucchini Muffins which went down a treat. After all our baking we had some puréed peaches left over that we made into a smoothie to serve with the bread. It was delicious and as simple as adding some milk and a squirt of honey.
So, if you have an abundance of zucchinis and peaches (I imagine nectarines would work too) growing in your garden, grab the kids and spend some time in the kitchen this weekend. What are your favourite peach and zucchini recipes?