Scratching your children’s name into growing pumpkins, zucchinis or melons is such a fun and simple activity, but it gives the children months’ worth of enjoyment as they watch their creations grow! Here are 3 tried and tested edibles that work really well for this activity:
Pumpkins, zucchinis (and any other members of the squash family)
Passion fruit (scratch your design while they’re still green)
Junior Landcare’s Greg Grimes and a student from Martin Luther Primary School
At 77 schools and kindergartens across the Lockyer Valley, Toowoomba and Somerset, Queensland, students are finishing the day with dirt under their fingernails – and their parents and teachers love it.
It’s all part of a gardening program designed to educate children about the origins of their food, led singlehandedly by Junior Landcare Lockyer, Toowoomba and Somerset coordinator Greg Grimes. The “Healthy Eating, Healthy Children, Healthy Lifestyle Program” is all about making a difference and encouraging children to eat healthy and fresh food from their own gardens.
Now 73, Mr Grimes was a teacher for over 50 years. With a lifelong affinity for the environment, it’s only natural for him to now to volunteer his time and skills to educate children from the garden. Continue reading →
In this Guest Post, Tracey Sidwell from Bale Grow talks about straw bale gardening. I have read about this concept but had never actually seen it in action. That was until I met Tracey and saw for myself her fabulous straw bale gardens.
I often get asked what is the best way for kids to have a vegie patch in a rented property, I think straw bales may be about the perfect solution.
xx Erica Straw Bale Gardening with BaleGrow
As a mum, nothing makes me happier than seeing my kids eat fresh veggies; especially when they can pick them straight from our garden. With almost no gardening experience and limited space, the kids and I have had a ball with our straw bale garden. I figured lots of other families would love this just as much, which is how BaleGrow was born. Continue reading →
Herbert Peabody and the Incredible Beehive
Finding quality kids gardening books can be a bit of a challenge at times, so this blog reviews two new books on the market; Herbert Peabody and the Incredible Beehive by Bianca C. Ross, illustrated by Tabitha Emma Bray and Garden to Table – A Kid’s Guide to Planting, Growing and Preparing Food by Katherine Hengel.
Herbert Peabody and the Incredible Beehive by Bianca C. Ross, illustrated by Tabitha Emma Bray
What a breath of fresh air! A kid’s book that highlights the benefits of bees to gardens and the environment! Continue reading →
Fun In The Garden
We are frequently asked “How can I get my kids interested in gardening?”. And these days with easy access to a range of electronic entertainment devices, it is more important than ever to encourage children to create their own garden and grow their own food. Here are our top ten tips to encourage your kids into the garden. Continue reading →
What better way to celebrate National Reconciliation Week than with a popular bush tucker plant and recipe.
Back when I was in school, we were taught that Australian history began when Captain Cook “discovered” Australia. And celebrations of Indigenous culture were almost non-existent. Thank goodness things have changed!
Nowadays, we have a Welcome to Country ceremony at most official functions. Children are immersed in Indigenous culture from their pre-school days. And at school, Australian history begins long before 1770.
Bush tucker is becoming increasing popular and many of the plants are super easy for kids to grow. In this blog, we will highlight a bush tucker plant that you will probably have seen growing wild and thought it was just a weed. Continue reading →
Mini Succulent Garden made from Recycled Tin Cans
These super cute mini gardens are incredibly easy for children to make. Using waste tin cans and succulent cuttings, they make a wonderful Mother’s Day gift.
The kids and I have been stuck inside with nasty colds so we spent some time decorating some used tin cans to be used as mini gardens. We then ventured outside to take some cuttings and make up these nifty little garden gifts. Continue reading →
The Disney Fairies Children’s Garden
Us adults love, love, love the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show (MIFGS), but it can be a little bit tricky keeping the little ones entertained. This year should be different! The MIFGS is hosting some fabulous attractions designed just for our little green thumbs. Continue reading →
Yates and Junior Landcare have teamed up again to offer children, families, schools and community groups some fabulous prizes just by growing their own winter vegies and sharing their story.
Yates will be providing free seeds and Gardening 4 Kids stocks plenty of child friendly garden tools, equipment and gloves to help you on your way with the challenge. And this year, our very own Erica Lovel will be on the judging panel.
Gardening 4 Kids will be offering tips and advice throughout the Challenge via our Facebook and Twitter pages. We will share our successes and our failures! Continue reading →
The Coles Junior Landcare Garden Grants program is offering funding of up to $1,000 to schools and youth groups to help create gardens in their grounds and communities.
Coles has sponsored the grants program since 2008, and has seen a broad range of projects come to fruition, including vegetable gardens, composting and worm farms, Indigenous bush tucker gardens and green walls. Continue reading →