The Laneway Park project is a children's community gardenToday’s guest post has been written by Lee Upton, mum of three and currently working as a researcher on a University program focusing on children’s fundamental movement skills, physical activity and nutrition. She is passionate about kids getting hands on in the garden and being an active member of her community working on The Laneway Park children’s community garden as well as her children’s school kitchen garden.
As a mum of three and a passionate gardener, I love nothing more than seeing my kids get their hands grubby planting seedlings, their eyes light up as they pull a carrot from the garden and how a favourite snack is handfuls of mint straight off the plant. Continue reading →
Leah Wheatley writes about sharing our values with our childrenToday’s post is written by Leah Wheatley – environmental scientist, mum and writer of the blog Along The Way. She enjoys writing about sustainability, parenting and wellbeing, and is passionate about practising what she preaches:
Being an environmental scientist, it has been very important to me to ensure that my daughter has an appreciation for the amazing natural world around her and the fragility of it. It has actually been quite simple and she has needed little encouragement so far to embrace my sustainability values. Here are my top tips to ensure sustainability values are passed on to the next generation: Continue reading →
We’re celebrating our 2nd birthday!
I can’t believe it – this coming Monday (October 1st) is our 2nd birthday! The time has really flown by and Gardening 4 Kids has continued to grow at an amazing rate. In this time some of our greatest accomplishments have included:
increasing our range to now stock over 60 different products,
attending markets, expos and other community events where we’ve been able to meet our customers face-to-face,
supplying large corporations with their children’s Christmas party gifts, and
We are thrilled to be awarded Best Kids Company award for the Green Lifestyle Awards 2012.
We are so thrilled and honoured to announce that Gardening 4 Kids has won the Best Kids Company award as part of Green Lifestyle magazine’s inaugural Green Lifestyle Awards 2012. Continue reading →
The Clean Up Australia Day website is a great resource for teachers
I am often asked about sustainability and gardening resources for teachers who are after ideas to use with their students. Over the years I have used a number of different websites for ideas and inspiration when planning my lessons. Here are my favourites: Continue reading →
National Tree Day is a great way to engage kids with trees
A recent study commissioned by Planet Ark confirmed there has been a dramatic shift in the amount of time kids spend outdoors compared to what their parents did as children. They are spending increasing amounts of time indoors in front of screens and this can have a negative impact on their health. Planting Trees: Just What the Doctor Ordered states that spending time outside in nature is good not only for the body but the mind as well. It can help improve concentration, increase feelings of self-worth, reduce stress and increase critical thinking skills in children.
Exploring and investigating trees is a great way to encourage children to spend time outdoors and appreciate the world around them. Here are 10 ways to engage kids with trees: Continue reading →
Puddle jumping is a fun learning experience for kids.
Little Miss B has been desperate to jump in puddles the last few days. This morning we woke to lovely sunshine after a night of solid rain which meant it was a perfect day for puddle jumping! We rugged up in our warm clothes donned our gumboots and went in search of some great big, muddy puddles. We do have a couple here at home but as we live close to some wetlands we decided to venture down there. We were not disappointed. Continue reading →
Pet rocks are great for kids to play with and look great as garden decorations
Kids and adults alike love pet rocks. They are quirky, can be kept indoors or out in the garden, and are super easy pets to care for. They are also the perfect activity for kids to undertake whilst the weather is too wet and/or chilly to be outside in the garden.
Late last year my mother passed on my childhood pet rocks around the same time that Kelly from Be a Fun Mum wrote a post about these funny little ‘creatures’. It was sign that I should introduce Little Miss B to the wonders of making her own. Of course life got busy and we spent most of our time outside in the garden however now the weather has cooled it is the perfect time to get out our art and craft supplies and be creative. Continue reading →
Your kids will devour these herbed potatoes - especially if they make them themselves.
Last year the preps, year 1 students and I planted potatoes in the school garden. We planted a variety including some very cool purple potatoes which the kids were very intrigued by. After school resumed this year the students were eager to head out into the garden to dig up our potatoes and see how many had grown. We ended up with enough potatoes to make two large batches of roasted herb potatoes.
This is the simple, yet delicious, recipe that we used: Continue reading →
Silverbeet is a great vegie for kids to cook withI am thrilled to share with you today a fantastic guest recipe post by Kay Richardson from The Children’s Food Education Foundation (CFEF). The Foundation aims to improve the health outcomes of marginalised children and young people. Using food as a vehicle for social innovation and enterprise, their programs encourage healthy eating and address healthier living barriers like social exclusion, lack of literacy and independent living skills. The Foundation collaborates with others to achieve successful long-term outcomes for children and young people experiencing disadvantage, chronic illness, disabilities, mental disorders, and those who care for themselves or others.
Silverbeet and Feta Cheese Rolls – makes lots
This is a really tasty and easy recipe to use up silverbeet grown in your garden. Unless you are having a party, don’t cook and eat them all at once because, once the rolls are made, they can be frozen. Remember to ask a grown-up to be your assistant and help read the recipe plus do all the things that might be tricky or dangerous for you to do on your own. Continue reading →