Broccoli, Potato and Silverbeet Soup made by my year 1 and 2s
I recently posted about using broccoli from our school garden in recipes with my students. I promised that I would post the recipes as the kids absolutely loved them so here if the first one for you – Broccoli, Potato and Silverbeet Soup. Continue reading →
Our 'yucky' produce from the garden for our broccoli soup
So your kids say ‘I don’t like broccoli’? Well they certainly wouldn’t be the first. In fact I heard it quite a bit just this week at school. We had a lot of broccoli growing (or bolting actually) in our school veggie garden so I thought it was time we harvested and used it in the kitchen. Continue reading →
Caterpillars - Cute little critters aren't they?
Caterpillars! They sure look cute and kids love finding them in the garden but boy can they cause some destruction! When I first started working in the school garden the students were so excited to show me the caterpillars that lived there. They thought of them almost like pets. That was until I explained that they were the reason the poor kale plants were looking the worse for wear. Well, then the hunt was on to rid the garden of each and every little green caterpillar that lived there. Continue reading →
Kids often ask me 'How do seeds grow?'
At the start of the school year I asked my students to come up with some questions they had about gardening. Some common questions were ‘How do seeds grow?’, ‘What do seeds look like under the ground?’ and ‘What do seeds need?’ so I set about coming up with an activity to demonstrate. It is a simple and inexpensive activity that kids can undertake themselves and uses items that can be easily sourced. Continue reading →
There is plenty that kids can plant during winter
The weather has definitely turned chilly in many parts of Australia so now is the perfect time for kids to be planting some winter crops in the garden. Many people think that not a lot can be grown in winter however this is not necessarily the case. There are still plenty of great fruit and vegies that can be planted now that kids love. Continue reading →
Fungi are fascinating for kids
This week’s ‘Vegie’ on View are mushrooms however they aren’t really a vegie at all – they are a type of fungus. These fascinating fungi are perfect for kids – they don’t require a garden, they grow in the dark and can even be grown in cupboards! Here are some other fun facts about the humble mushroom: Continue reading →
Broad beans have beautiful flowers
Broad beans are very easy for kids to grow and the size of the seeds make them easy for little hands to handle. Here are some interesting facts that you and the kids may not know about this humble little bean: Continue reading →
Cress egg heads can be made indoors or out
Making cress egg heads is a quick, fun and cute gardening activity kids can do indoors or out. Not only is it fun the result is nutritious as well. To make an egg head you will need: Continue reading →
Did you know that ADAM can help you and your kids make great compost?
ADAM is a great way to help kids remember the important elements required for making good compost for the garden: Continue reading →
Pak choy is a delicious and versatile vegie for kids
Pak choy is a delicious and nutritious vegie that kids can easily grow in the garden. It is also this week’s Vegie on View so here are some interesting facts about this interesting little plant: Continue reading →