Investigating compost critters
This week is International Composting Awareness Week so it’s the perfect opportunity to engage kids in the wonderful world of composting. Today my students and I rolled up our sleaves, pulled out the magnifying glasses and had a fun afternoon investigating the animals that live in our school compost. The kids absolutely loved it and I had a hard time getting them to put the compost back at the end of the lesson. They all wanted to stay after school and keep going! Continue reading →
A super easy delicious pumpkin soup the kids will love
If the kids have been growing pumpkins in the garden this summer here is a fantastically easy and delicious pumpkin soup recipe they can help make. The sweetness of the pumpkin and coconut milk makes it particularly popular with kids and it is likely they’ll be back for seconds. I call it Lazy Pumpkin Soup as virtually everything is thrown in the slow cooker and then left to bubble away giving you and your little green thumbs plenty of time to head outside for some gardening fun. Continue reading →
Marigolds, lavendar, sunflower seeds and fuchsias make colourful additions to salads
Kids love the thought of being able to eat flowers and there are some great varieties that can be grown in any garden. Edible flowers are a wonderful way to add colour to meals and can make a salad more appealing to kids. Many edible flowers are fantastic for attracting beneficial insects and repelling those that are not so welcome so growing them is not only great for your kid’s dinner plate but good for the garden too. Continue reading →
Crickets can often be heard in the garden at this time of year
At this time of year on a warm evening it’s not unusual to hear the loud chirping of crickets in the garden. Children are often fascinated by the loud sound that they make so here are 10 interesting facts about these noisy little bugs you can share with them: Continue reading →
Keep your worm farm in the shade to help keep it cool
Keeping a worm farm is not only a fun experience for kids it is also a great way to teach children about life cycles and food scrap recycling. On hot days though our poor little wiggly friends can really suffer from the heat and sadly they often perish. Here are some tips contributed by our fabulous facebook followers to help prevent this from happening: Continue reading →
More holiday gardening ideas for kids
Last week I posted seven easy ideas to get your kids outside and active in Holiday Fun for Kids in the Garden – Part 1. This week I’ve come up with seven more ideas to keep your little green thumbs busy. Continue reading →
Are you looking for some great gardening and outdoor activities to do with the kids these school holidays? Here are seven ideas to get you started and stayed tuned, we will be posting more ideas in the coming days. Continue reading →
Kids love sunflowers and now is the perfect time to grow them
Summer is here and it’s time to get the kids outside and in the garden planting. Here is a list of great fruit, vegies and flowers the kids will love growing: Continue reading →
Ladybirds are a gardener's best friend
Not all bugs in the garden are pests. In fact many are very beneficial and the beautiful ladybird is one of them. These little creatures love to munch on sap sucking aphids, in fact they love them so much that they will consume approximately 2500-5000 during their lifetime! Continue reading →
There is plenty that can be grown in small spaces for kidsThis great guest post is written by Shae from Yay for Home. Shae is a stay-at-home mum with 3 amazing little girls, 1 wonderful husband, 4 chooks and 3 guinea pigs. Today she is sharing her fantastic ideas on how to garden with kids when space is an issue. Enjoy!Continue reading →