Narelle from Natured Kids explains how to build a sweet pea tee pee.Today’s guest post is from Narelle Debenham, founder and director of Natured kids, a weekly outdoor playgroup for families and young children on the Mornington Peninsula. Narelle, registered teacher and mother of three boys, aims to have a positive impact on children’s lives, while deepening their connection with and understanding of our natural environment. For a free checklist of outdoor activities to inspire nature play with your children visit Natured Kids. Build your own sweet pea tee pee with the kids this Saint Patrick's Day.
St. Patrick’s Day marks the time of year when sweet pea seeds like to be planted in our gardens. Forty children from the Natured Kids outdoor playgroup planted these sweet peas to make a living, scented, sweet pea tee pee to play in at the Groundswell Community Garden in Frankston.
To make your own tee pee with the kids in your garden you will need: Continue reading →
Marigolds, lavendar, sunflower seeds and fuchsias make colourful additions to salads
Kids love the thought of being able to eat flowers and there are some great varieties that can be grown in any garden. Edible flowers are a wonderful way to add colour to meals and can make a salad more appealing to kids. Many edible flowers are fantastic for attracting beneficial insects and repelling those that are not so welcome so growing them is not only great for your kid’s dinner plate but good for the garden too. Continue reading →
There is plenty that can be grown in small spaces for kidsThis great guest post is written by Shae from Yay for Home. Shae is a stay-at-home mum with 3 amazing little girls, 1 wonderful husband, 4 chooks and 3 guinea pigs. Today she is sharing her fantastic ideas on how to garden with kids when space is an issue. Enjoy!Continue reading →
Strawberries are perfect for kids to grow this spring
Spring is well and truly here which means it’s time to get the kids outdoors and planting. There are plenty of fantastic fruits, vegies and flowers that can be planted now* that kids love. Continue reading →
Smelling flowers in the garden
Little Miss B has recently become fascinated with the flowers that are growing in our garden. Two of her favourites are marigolds and fuchsias. She enjoys looking at their bright colours, touching their petals and of course picking them! She is certainly not the only child who loves to do this. Flowers are very appealing to children and there are endless varieties that are great to include in the garden for the kids.
Some popular flowers that appeal to children include: Continue reading →
Stimulating the sense of touch
Gardening is beneficial for people of all ages and children are no exception. Kids have a natural curiosity about nature and spending time out in the garden is full of endless opportunities. We learn through our senses and gardening stimulates all five. It is therefore a fantastic way to develop children’s understanding of the world around them: